périscope - vertaling naar
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périscope - vertaling naar

Demo periscope; Periscopes; Vision block; Submarine periscope; M28 periscopic sight; Periscope depth
  • 1889 Arthur Krebs & Jean Rey periscope for the french Gymnote submarine

n. periscope, optical scope that allows one to see objects that are located above one's line of sight


1) to lower; raise a periscope
2) (as commands) periscope down; periscope up



A periscope is an instrument for observation over, around or through an object, obstacle or condition that prevents direct line-of-sight observation from an observer's current position.

In its simplest form, it consists of an outer case with mirrors at each end set parallel to each other at a 45° angle. This form of periscope, with the addition of two simple lenses, served for observation purposes in the trenches during World War I. Military personnel also use periscopes in some gun turrets and in armoured vehicles.

More complex periscopes using prisms or advanced fiber optics instead of mirrors and providing magnification operate on submarines and in various fields of science. The overall design of the classical submarine periscope is very simple: two telescopes pointed into each other. If the two telescopes have different individual magnification, the difference between them causes an overall magnification or reduction.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor périscope
1. Periscope-- well, there was Meerkat before Periscope,
The Creative Media Efficiency Myth _ Martin Atkins _ Talks at Google
2. And Periscope comes along.
The Creative Media Efficiency Myth _ Martin Atkins _ Talks at Google
3. it was Periscope.
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4. If we could periscope that.
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5. Especially because Meerkat, Periscope only
Embrace Your Online Trolls _ Brian Brushwood _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor périscope
1. L‘évasion fiscale et Doris Leuthard Périscope Immobilier.
2. Migros–Denner: besoin d‘impartialité Périscope Innovation &Technologie.
3. L‘Europe pense continental, mais agit national Périscope.
4. Nuages en vue sur l‘industrie de la santé Périscope.
5. Avec ou sans Yahoo!, Microsoft est menacé Périscope Innovation &technologie.